Sam Altman will return as CEO of OpenAI

In a shocking turn of events, Sam Altman is set to return as CEO of OpenAI after an attempted boardroom coup that left the company in chaos for several days. Alongside co-founder Greg Brockman, Altman will resume his role as CEO, defying the initial decision by the nonprofit board to remove him. The company has announced an “agreement in principle” for Altman’s return and the formation of a new board. However, the power struggle seems far from over, as an investigation into the saga is still on the table. Altman’s return marks a significant development for OpenAI and its future path under his leadership.


In a surprising turn of events, Sam Altman is set to return as the CEO of OpenAI, following an attempted boardroom coup that caused chaos within the company. Alongside Altman, co-founder Greg Brockman, who resigned in protest of Altman’s firing, will also be making a comeback. This article will provide a comprehensive overview of the background of the coup, the details of the agreement for Altman’s return, the composition of the new board, the purpose of the initial board, Microsoft’s involvement, the ongoing investigation into the power struggle, the confirmation of Altman’s return, Thrive Capital’s support for his return, the reaction to Altman’s sudden exit and subsequent return, and the internal power struggle at OpenAI.

Background of the attempted boardroom coup

The attempted boardroom coup at OpenAI lasted for a duration of five days. It created a sense of turmoil and instability within the company. The motivation behind the coup is still not entirely clear, but it is believed to be related to differences in vision and leadership style. One of the key events during this period was the resignation of Greg Brockman, who was vehemently against Altman’s firing.

Sam Altman will return as CEO of OpenAI

The agreement in principle for Altman’s return

OpenAI has reached an “agreement in principle” for Sam Altman to return as CEO. While the agreement has been confirmed, there are still some pending paperwork to be completed. Altman’s return signifies a commitment to keeping the team and its mission together, as he has been instrumental in shaping the company’s direction. The return of Altman and Brockman is seen as a crucial step in restoring stability and unity within OpenAI.

Composition of the new board

The new board of OpenAI will consist of Bret Taylor, Larry Summers, and Adam D’Angelo, in addition to Altman and Brockman. Notably, D’Angelo is a holdover from the previous board that initially fired Altman. Including D’Angelo in the new board is a way to provide representation for the previous board, thus ensuring a smooth transition and continuity.

Sam Altman will return as CEO of OpenAI

Purpose of the initial board

The initial board’s main responsibility is to vet and appoint an expanded board of up to 9 people, which will ultimately reset the governance of OpenAI. This is a crucial step in addressing the underlying issues that led to the boardroom coup. By carefully selecting and appointing new board members, OpenAI aims to reset its governance and create a more transparent and cohesive leadership structure.

Microsoft’s involvement in the expanded board

Microsoft, a significant investor in OpenAI, desires to have a seat on the expanded board. Given their substantial investment of over $10 billion in the company, Microsoft’s involvement is crucial for its future direction. OpenAI’s involvement with Microsoft comes with expectations of a smoother collaboration and communication between the two entities. Microsoft’s CEO, Satya Nadella, has emphasized the importance of avoiding surprises and fostering a collaborative relationship.

Sam Altman will return as CEO of OpenAI

Investigation into the power struggle

To address the power struggle that unfolded within OpenAI, an agreement has been made to conduct an investigation into the matter. The investigation is expected to be carried out by an independent law firm, ensuring impartiality and transparency. The ongoing power struggle reveals the deeply human dynamics at play within the company and the need for a resolution that ensures the stability and well-being of all stakeholders.

Confirmation of Altman’s return

All key parties involved have publicly posted about the deal for Altman’s return, indicating that the agreement is considered a done deal. However, there are still some last-minute paperwork pending before Altman officially reassumes his role as CEO. Altman himself has stated that his actions were driven by the intention to keep the team and its mission intact, signaling his commitment to the company’s long-term vision.

Sam Altman will return as CEO of OpenAI

Thrive Capital’s support for Altman’s return

Thrive Capital, one of OpenAI’s major investors, has expressed its support for Altman’s return, deeming it the best outcome for the company, its employees, and the world at large. Thrive Capital recognizes Altman and Brockman’s profound commitment and leadership, acknowledging their instrumental role in building OpenAI into the pioneering company it is today. The return of Altman and Brockman is met with excitement and optimism for the company’s future.

Reaction to Altman’s sudden exit and subsequent return

Altman’s sudden exit as CEO of OpenAI took the industry by surprise. The nonprofit board that initially fired Altman appeared resolute in their decision, leading to widespread speculation and confusion. However, the revolt from OpenAI employees, threatening to defect to Microsoft with Altman and Brockman, highlighted the strong support for Altman within the company. The reaction to Altman’s return has been mixed, reflecting the complexity of the situation and the varying perspectives of those involved.

Sam Altman will return as CEO of OpenAI

Details of the internal power struggle at OpenAI

During the power struggle at OpenAI, there were interim CEOs and changes in leadership, further adding to the instability and uncertainty. The demand for documentation or evidence of wrongdoing from the board members who fired Altman showcased the lack of transparency surrounding his termination. Notably, Ilya Sutskever, a key member of the board and OpenAI’s chief scientist, played a pivotal role in resolving the power struggle by switching his allegiance back to Altman’s camp. Altman’s return offers a resolution to the internal power struggle and a fresh opportunity for OpenAI to move forward.

Overall, the return of Sam Altman as CEO of OpenAI signifies a significant turning point in the company’s history. The boardroom coup and subsequent events shed light on the challenges of governance and leadership within OpenAI. Altman’s return, alongside the composition of a new board, the ongoing investigation, and support from key investors, sets the stage for a more stable and focused future for OpenAI. While the internal power struggle brings to the forefront the complexities and dynamics present within the company, Altman’s leadership and Brockman’s commitment are seen as crucial for steering OpenAI towards its potential as one of the most consequential companies in the history of computing.